How To Help Your Hair Grow Longer

How To Help Your Hair Grow Longer
By now, you’ve certainly stumbled upon many hair care tips and tricks. There are so many out there that sometimes, it’s hard to know what to believe. If you are looking to grow your hair longer, there are a few things to keep in mind. Healthy hair care habits will help you grow your long and beautiful locks that you have always dreamed of. Within just a few short months, all of your friends will be asking you to share your secrets.
This process can be very frustrating, but with these 7 helpful tips from Brilliance New York and a little bit of patience, even Rapunzel will be envious of you.
Eat the Right Foods
The trick to growing long healthy hair starts from the inside. What you put in your body either helps or hinders healthy hair growth. Foods such as salmon, spinach, berries, eggs, sweet potatoes, and avocado are nutritious and a great source of healthy fats, vitamin C, protein, and biotin. All of these foods provide your body with the nutrients it needs to grow long, healthy hair.
Skip the Shampoo
Contrary to popular belief, shampooing your hair every day is not healthy for proper hair growth. Shampooing every day strips the scalp of natural oils which causes brittle hair that leads to breakage. Instead, try shampooing every three days while still conditioning daily. Opt for some dry shampoo between your washes and watch those beautiful locks start to grow.
Wet Brush
Instead of using a harsh brush to get those tangles out post shower, try using a wide-toothed comb or a brush designed for wet hair. Start by brushing the ends first and then work your way up to your scalp.
Sleep on Silk
These are all the rage right now and can be easily purchased on online. A silk pillowcase is not only good for the hair, but your skin too. Promotes great hair and prevents wrinkles.
Proper nutrition should supply you with enough nutrition to grow long beautiful hair. However, there are times we may need a little help. Vitamins B and C help support healthy hair growth as well as Biotin. Always consult with your doctor first before trying new supplements, but if you find that your hair just cannot seem to grow then vitamins might be the trick.
Frequent Trims
This tip seems contradictory if you want long hair. Frequent trims have proven to be healthy to grow the hair long as it gets rid of split ends that break your hair. The split ends cause the hair to become so thin that it breaks. Getting a trim every six to eight weeks is key to maintaining your healthy locks to grow longer.
Avoid Heat
Using hot tools every now and then is ok for a special occasion. If you can avoid the heat all together, that’s even better. Have fun playing around with hairstyles free of hot tools and watch your hair grow longer.